In home childcare support for: Appointments | On call birth and medical emergency | Postpartum Respite

We know how important childcare is. We dreamt of a world where parents could get caring, culturally congruent childcare, and we made it happen.

Childcare as community care

Childcare as community care

The Maternal Health Equity Collaborative is excited to offer free, short-term, culturally congruent, high quality in-home childcare, for Black Mamas in Central Texas during the perinatal period. The purpose of this program is to address barriers, such as childcare, that block access to receiving the medical and mental necessary for having a successful and safe pregnancy, birth, and postpartum experience.

Request Appointment + on call childcare

Appointment: In-home or on location childcare up to 3 hours for children whose parent is attending a medical or doula related appointment, such as prenatal, baby well-visit, postpartum follow-up, doula visit, or therapy.

On-call: Childcare for BIPOC families who are giving birth or navigating a perinatal related medical emergency.

If you are laboring now, call our childcare hotline for support 512-766-5924.

Request Postpartum Resite childcare

Childcare for children whose parents is placed on bedrest, immediate postpartum, or has limited, or no childcare support during the perinatal period. This short term, in home, recurring respite care is to support Black + Latinx families with infants 0-12mo, who are also participants in one of our childcare program partner organizations.

To learn more about our program, team & to apply for our respite care program, click below.

Want to stay connected?

Follow us on instagram to stay up to date on current programs, advocacy initiatives you can join, fundraising efforts, etc. Share our connect with community to help us expand our reach.

Already completed or don’t qualify for our program, check out the list of community childcare providers.

Serving the community through direct care.

The childcare program began in 2021 to help minimize the number of children put under the care of CPS — simply due to no other adult able to provide care in the event of postpartum medical emergency or birth. We knew there had to be another, community centered, solution. Our intention was also to include childcare as wrap around care, in conjunction with doula support, to provide families with a more full and encompassing net of whole family care. We recognize childcare as a part of reproductive justice, and believe families deserve access to safe, affordable, quality childcare.

Respite Childcare Visits

To date, September 2024, we have supported approximately 100 families through 8,697 hours of free childcare! Our program continues to expand and serve more families - you could be one of them. Apply for childcare support today!

Frequently asked questions

  • The sooner the better. If you need childcare for an appointment, we like to have 3-7 days notice.

    If you need on call birth support, submit your request ASAP and then call/text at the very start of labor.

    Postpartum respite care is matched on a monthly basis, so we encourage people to apply a month+ in advance of when they will need care.

  • You can include a specialist’s name in your request form, but several factors go into making a match - including location, program capacity, specialist availability, etc. We aim to accommodate requests as able, but it is not a guarantee that you will get your requested specialist.

  • No. You must be present at the start and end of your scheduled care, but can leave during. Respite care is intended to provide space for rest and healing and we do encourage new parents to take advantage of their time to do so.

  • Appointment based: 3 hours

    On call birth: varies, typically 6 hours

    Respite care: 3 hour visits, recurring 1-3x per week for a month

Want to join our childcare team?

Read more about Childcare Specialist roles and requirements, and apply.

Our application periods vary. If closed, subscribe to our newsletter for updates on when they reopen.

Childcare Provider Resource List for families